Sunday, January 13, 2013

Digestion Activity

Digestion -
This one is a bit messy and has a higher noise level.  We review our rules and expectations prior to all activities.  We decided that this activity has a safety level 4 - spills and slips.

We created a model of the digestive system.  The materials were:
oatmeal (already made), large bowls, nylons or tights, paper towels, sponge

Students had to use the materials available to create a model of the digestive system.
1.  Digestion begins in the mouth.  They used a bowl as the mouth.

2.  Teeth break down food.  They used a large mixing fork to mix food.
3.  Food slides down the esophagus to the stomach.  use first part of nylon (cut one leg of nylon in half to represent esophagus)  the middle of the nylons is the stomach.
4.  In stomach, food is mixed.  using hands, squish contents of stomach.

5.  Digestive juices added.  Use squirt bottle.
5. Food moves to the small intestine.  Slide food through other leg of pantyhose.
6. absorption of nutrients by the villi (use dusting mitts)
7. Water is absorbed and food moves to the large intestine - use cut piece of nylon.  Students squeeze all remaining liquid out of food.

8.  Food is eliminated.  Students squeeze food onto plate.

Human Body -

Printable life-size organs pdf

Printable Skeleton pdf